Mice on Venus - escaping (?) development hell

Hello! Fear not, for I have not given up on this!
I've been on a beautiful pilgrimage in the mountains and then I've been "enjoying" my vacation for the past week. I actually didn't think that developing this game would be so hard. I'm procrastinating a lot and making very little progress, also because I'm trying to redevelop a lot of things and clean up this whole mess.

1. Composition over inheritance

Maybe you've heard the phrase before. I got very used to using inheritance when developing games, but it seems like it's not the best solution. Here is a example diagram that shows how the jam version architecture looked like:

Highlighted in red are some flaws of this system. Of course the solution could be to just "do it better", but I've decided to rebuild the project using composition instead, especially that I'm using Godot, which is ideal for that.

So that's how it looks now. I also started using signals much more. I don't have a time limit for this project, so I want to make it as organized as possible. This new component approach allows a more modular and scalable development of the game. I want a new building? Just get the components it needs and piece them together like building blocks. So easy! Or so I thought...

2. The problems

I understand now why I only ever made (finished) games during jams. The jam is forgiving. I can literally do anything in code and as long as it works, it's good. Even if some problems appear later on, I just have to fix them the same way. But now that I want this super-pretty project that follows all the best programming principles and everything, it's a nightmare. I spent a few days trying to sketch, act out, plan or design the game, I've been trying so many different addons with behavior trees, reading blogs and forums about components... How can this node get the information from this node without breaking the perfection!!! And also without the time limit it's so easy for me to just be lazy and just pretend I'm working on it. 

But now I think that I've had enough and I will just accept that the code can be just a bit spaghettified, because else I won't ever finish this. The game right now is almost in the same state as it was before, but with all components redesigned. I think we're on a good path.

As I've mentioned before, I'm almost surely participating in Brackey's game jam, so that will be another pause in development of Mice on Venus. I hope it's just a hard phase now and it will be easier later on!


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